You have purpose. When you feel that you want to do something more satisfying, that you want to make a difference, you are simply experiencing the yearning to fulfill your purpose. At this web site you will find resources that will help you create a path to purpose and fulfillment.

When I was four years old, an event occurred that dramatically changed the direction of my life. I became blind. When I did, I could have adopted a life of self-pity; of questioning "why me;" of limitations imposed by others with their repeated refrain, "You're blind; you can't." I chose instead to use the abilities I have to live a full, complete, and purposeful life. This life is my only opportunity to do so.
You can choose to let circumstances and events dictate the course of your life, but doing so you miss a golden opportunity to make a difference. This life is your opportunity to shape the world. You can shape it knowingly or unconsciously; you can shape it with positive action or passive acquiescence. I recommend knowing, positive actions as you shape the world. What you do at home shapes the world; what you do on the job shapes the world; what you do in your community shapes the world. My mission is to help you ensure that what you do will be meaningful.
I provide keynotes, workshops, and other resources to motivate and inspire meaningful living. Life is meaningful when what you do showcases your talents and abilities, serves the good of humanity, shares love, and satisfies your soul.
Your life is too valuable to lose it on insignificance. Now is the moment to act. The speeches, books, and articles available here are developed to help you make choices and remove the clutter to create a path for making the moment meaningful--that is, a path to purpose and fulfillment.