Dana LaMon

Motivational Speaker and Author

Front Cover

THE SOUL'S MIRROR is a compilation of 122 motivational and inspirational topics to help you day by day along your journey of successful and joyful living.

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THE SOUL'S MIRROR is a motivational and inspirational daily reader with information on how you can maximize the success and joy of living.

In an autobiographical style, the author, a blind African-American judge and world-champion motivational speaker, reflects on life, experiences, and relationships and shares what has kept him moving on the road to success despite challenges, rejection, disappointments, and failures. Published in 1997, this is a 334-page hardcover book with 122 essays on topics such as LOVE, LIFE, SOUL, SUCCESS, FRIENDSHIP, and MONEY. Each essay includes a quotable affirmation, an autobiographical anecdote, and a cross reference. The book also contains a daily reading calendar and an alphabetical index that allows you to easily find the motivational topic that you need at a particular time.

The Soul's Mirror fits into a busy schedule since each topic should take no more than 5 minutes to read.

Here is a sample excerpt (PDF) to review the content of this book.